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August 2, 2024

To "NAJB, President Trump, and Vice President Kamala Harris" in PDF





NABJ, President Trump, and Vice President Kamala Harris

By Ms. Arelya J. Mitchell, Publisher/Editor-in-Chief

The Mid-South Tribune


First of all: I knew what was going to happen when Pres. Donald Trump walked onto the stage of the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) event. NABJ unfortunately behaves an arm of the Democratic Party and has done so for years. Little Miss ABC Correspondent dressed in Democrat blue came at Trump in that usual Elitist Angry Democratic Black Woman mode. Listen to her words. She did not begin by asking Trump about 1). Policies 2). How the Black community is experiencing economic woes. 3). Education 4). Black entrepreneurship. 5). Housing and 6.). The hot issue of migration and how it impacts the socio-economic infrastructure of the Black community (Chicago being a case in point).

Why not?  As we say in the South, this heifer was defending her soror ‘sistas’/Divine 9 (i.e. Letitia James, Fani Willis and that wild bunch) who can’t take what they dish out because they’re “Black Women.” In fact, Kamala Harris ran to a Black sorority event instead of meeting with an American ally (Israel) in her role as Vice President which showed you where here priorities were.  As editor of this newspaper, I haven’t paid too much attention to the NABJ since time was a second. Why? To reiterate, because NABJ has devolved into a social club and a Black country club. Now mind you, I have nothing against social clubs and country clubs. I have family members, cousins, and friends who are members of Black sororities and fraternities. Besides, these are not the Old School Black journalists most of whom were hired out of Black newspapers when White journalists dared not go into Black areas to cover the Civil Rights Movement or riots. Presently, what you have is a growing core of Black rot elitism residing in the Democratic Party headed by Black Democrat Elite females who are anti-male and anti-Black working people (aka Black deplorables to them!). The Democrat Party has preempted the Black male with the Black female. Sounds familiar? Check your history. It is these Black elite female journalists who are now Willie Lynching the Black male and the Black family all in the name of the Democratic Party.

That so-called panel, with the exception of Fox’s Harris Faulkner, was a sham and a shame. Kudos also to the NABJ president who is a Black male who had no problem inviting Trump and other presidential candidates. Harris didn’t show up. When I learned that the NABJ president was male, I expected him to show up in white go-go boots, a leather mini skirt, red ruby lipstick to show off a glittered blue beard. Anyway, he’ll be voted out because he was a Black man and didn’t kowtow to the “sistas.”

The point again is, country clubs, fraternities, sororities, Divine 9 et al have their respective lanes and those lanes should never cross onto hard-working Black people (and others) trying to get through these rough economic times mainly perpetuated by what is now the Democratic Socialist Party and its agenda to swamp the population with millions of illegals before the November 5th election.

These screaming “I am a Black Woman” banshees do not speak for all Black women. These are the same Black women who treat Black women who happen to be Republican and/or MAGA or simply disagree with them as dirt. Look how hostile they treated former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. They are now after such esteem Black women as Madeline Brame, the Chicago Red Black women, Black women who have lost children to Black thugs, Black women who have lost businesses destroyed by Black Smash and Grabbers who are let out by such “sistas” as Vice President Kamala Harris who believe ardently in “No Cash Bail.”

By the way, when Trump questioned whether Kamala was African American or Indian, the two-Non-Fox Black journalists were emotional and insulted. But Trump knows as I do and others that Kamala’s race has been brought up in the Black community. Historically, “passing” has been an issue, even though it is no longer one to its historic extent, except when you want to be “Black” when it is convenient and anything but when it is not. (Then, again, you might want to look at the history of some Black sororities/Divine 9 which only accepted light skinned Black girls—and Trump wasn’t even born when that criterion was laid out, so don’t blame him!). Of course, Kamala Harris is now a colored woman—oops, I mean a Woman of Color.

 Back in the day, numerous Black women who were in sororities and clubs were not insane with power and elite-struck. The late Dorothy Height, whom I met and talked to at length was a class act, supported Rice and was not afraid to show it.  I am sure Mrs. Rosa Parks (who also had a mug shot), Mrs. Fannie Lou Hamer who had to fight the Democratic Party to get seated at the 1964 Democratic Convention, and the many unsung hard-working Black women would scoff at Little Miss ABC ‘Senior’ Correspondent who got her jackass kicked because she was ‘gonna’ show Trump she was a Black Woman who could bully him into cowering behind her skirt. Of course, she never answered Trump’s question on “What is D.E.I.?” Except to tell him what it stood for. We all know that, but heck, what is it? One would think she would know, seeing that ABC probably hired her to profess their faith in D.E.I. Her first screaming incoherent diatribe towards Trump was evidence of that! Well, lawdy, lawdy, lawdy! That just makes me keep to my old saying that “Nobody loves a dumb Black person like an alleged White liberal.”

 Just like the cream rises to the top, so does trash.